Substance Addiction vs Dependence

This meeting of the forum will examine the nature of substance abuse and its impact on the nation. Substance abuse is most prevalent among adults between the ages of 18 and 25, and level of education seems to be an important correlate of abuse. Less-educated people are more likely to engage in heavy use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. The rate of illegal drug use among African Americans is higher than that of Caucasians, who are more likely to use illegal drugs than are Hispanics, according to the 1995 NHSDA.

  • That terminology was problematic because in biology — the study of organisms — dependence refers to a physical adaptation to a substance.
  • Accurately identifying persons with addiction is critically important for effectively targeting treatment and harm reduction interventions.
  • He also sees people who have taken heroin without developing an addiction, yet they can’t seem to stop smoking and give up nicotine.

Doctors may also prescribe certain medications to manage dependence and addiction. Tolerance is when the body’s response to a substance diminishes over time. A person may develop tolerance to a drug if they use it for a long time. When addiction to a substance develops, it is called substance use disorder.

Understanding dependence & addiction

As a consequence, the diagnostic category of “substance dependence” stayed with us through the DSM-IV, until it was dropped in 2013 in the DSM-5, along with the diagnostic category of “substance abuse.” Addiction is a disease characterized by behavioral issues, and dependence refers to a physical reliance on a substance. The two conditions often occur at the same time, but a person can be dependent on a substance without being addicted to it. You are dependent if you stop taking the drug and experience withdrawal symptoms. When the symptoms of mental and physical dependence are apparent, an addiction is usually present.

For many others, quitting can lead to unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, even with behaviors, and can open up uncomfortable feelings that were being soothed or suppressed by the addictive behavior. Once a person has decided that they have a problem and need help, addiction vs dependence the next step is an examination by a healthcare professional. This involves questions about behaviors or substance use, an examination to assess overall health, and the development of a treatment plan that works best for the individual’s specific addiction.

Dependence vs. tolerance

This makes sense, given the fact that our brain responds the same to frequent cannabis, however the cannabis industry chooses to label it. The THC in both medicinal and recreational cannabis reduces the number of endogenous cannabinoid receptors in the brain and increases dopamine in the Reward Center. When consumed too frequently, these effects are cumulative and dependence is inevitable. It would be interesting to study whether medicinal users tend to use more regularly than average recreational users.

What You Need To Know About Drug Addiction – Risk Factors, Symptoms, & More – The Recovery Village

What You Need To Know About Drug Addiction – Risk Factors, Symptoms, & More.

Posted: Tue, 21 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

This would also make sense since symptoms such as depression and chronic pain would tend to require ongoing medical care. Substance abuse, broadly defined to include abuse and dependence, exempts no one group of people from its reach. Regardless of age, gender, race or ethnic background, and level of education, according to government surveys, Americans use cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs—whether legal or not—and often do so in a compulsive fashion.

Standard Outpatient Programs

Doing this empowers you and your care team to choose the most effective types of treatment. Some people do well at home with regular doctor visits and support groups. And sometimes it takes more than one type of treatment to be successful. Get professional help from an online addiction and mental health counselor from BetterHelp. The DSM is the leading source for diagnosing and understanding addiction.

Just like with other diseases, sometimes you need multiple treatments or repeat treatments. If you or someone close to you is struggling with substance misuse or abuse, talk to your doctor. Regardless of what term you use to describe a substance misuse issue, Mr. Kump emphasizes that the key is to understand that treatment is available. But our genetic makeup doesn’t necessarily rule our choices and our lives. For example, social drinkers with a family history of addiction have a 1 in 5 risk of misusing alcohol, he says. Their peers without the genetic predisposition have a 1 in 10 risk.